Summer Days Driftin' Away

I guess I should start this off by announcing that Pumpkin is now officially a 1st grader.

Can I get a Wooot?!!!!  

His class put on a sweet performance for the parents and received some certificates and gifts from their teacher.  The following day was the last day of school.  Here's Pumpkin standing in front of the school as a Kindergartener for the last time.

QT & I were both very pleased with how well he was reading by the end of school.  Sure, we've always read to him and encouraged him to sound words out and read on his own, but a good portion of credit for his newfangled (and highly impressive) reading abilities goes to his teacher, Mrs. B.  Oh, I suppose some credit should also be given to the boy wonder himself, haha.  Let's not forget him!

So my little savant starts the GT program in earnest in the Fall.  What with the looming budget cuts at school districts across Texas, I'm more than a little curious at how things are going to turn out.  I'll keep you posted.

All bragging about Pumpkin aside, I should probably also mention that somewhere along the way we acquired a new dog.  He was given to us by a dear friend of mine.  His name is Kiko, and he's a sweetheart.  His birthday falls on the same week as Giggles' birthday; however, he's actually a year older than her.  He seems to have gotten into the groove of things around here very well, and the kids LOVE to play with him.  He and the cat also seek each other out often....mostly to chase each other and make a lot of noise.  Thankfully, neither one seems eager to actually hurt the other, haha.

In the final bit of news,  we've already been to Ldo and back this summer.  We're scheduled to return for another week or two before school starts.  When I return...I mean, IF I return to blog again, I'll post some pictures of us cracking cascarones on each other on Easter and also of our train ride in Austin.  For now, it's bedtime.  I've got only a few hours left before the little ones show up at my bedside demanding yogurt and cereal.

Happy Birthday, QT!

 He looks awfully excited about his cake, doesn't he?