The Wiggles

I'm so far behind the times that I think I must be going in reverse! We'll start with a quick catch-up. The weekend after we returned from California, Pumpkin and I went to our 1st Wiggles concert with our Colorado buds The Oz and the the Guamian Knuckle and their girls Weevy, Coey, and Ne-ne (that's how Pumpkin pronounces their names). After his precious cousin Liss, these girls are some of Pumpkin's best buds, and well, Knuckle and Oz are 2 of mine I suppose (don't sound too excited now, Pine! hehe). Here's a pic of the dudes and a couple of Pumpkin enjoying the show.

The day after the Wiggles concert, we threw another impromptu birthday party...for QT this time in celebration of his 38th birthday (I think it's 38 anyway). We had to keep it simple since I was supposed to be preparing for our upcoming trip to Texas so no big surprise or big fandango, just a couple of friends over for some very undercooked burgers and a little Scene It. :)

The following week would've been good except for the latest zinger received from the University of Houston GSSW. As usual, they bear nothing but bad news (and apparently ill will) for me, but I'll save that rant for another day.

Where'd all the March go?

Pumpkin and I are in Texas now. We arrived 7 days ago, hit the ground running, and have been on the go since then. It's Spring Break here, you see, and Pumpkin hadn't seen his "cousins" since Christmas so there's a lot of catching up to do. We've already been to a dance recital, played at the pizza place, watched a lawn hockey "game," jumped on the trampoline by moonlight, had a picnic at the park, been to the Children's Museum, had lunch at Salsa's a gazillion times, and danced/sang/watched/listened to The Wiggles another bazillion times (per day).

Bedtime for Pumpkin is now closer to midnight than 9pm, and every nap is a huge struggle, though ultimately, he tends to just pass out after a couple of minutes of crying and fussing about not wanting to go "nite-nite" so it's not too bad except that after he's asleep, I still have to locate all Pumpkin's bottles and cups and make sure nothing stayed out in the car w/milk in it (ugh!). I also have to shower and make sure we have clean clothes for the next day, and of course, I have to charge my camera and my phone, download the pictures from the camera to leave it ready for our next big adventure, and then I still have to find time to read a few pages from my current novel!! I swear, a woman's work is never done!! ;)

Frankly, I'm wiped. Case in point: earlier tonight, when it was still Friday, we were supposed to go watch Pumpkin's godfather's mariachi band play (Shown: Godfather & Pumpkin c.12/2005).
We didn't go b/c I was just too tired. Fortunately (or unfortunately, however you see it), Godmother, who's super-preggers right now, was also too tired so we both settled for staying home instead. The older kids had all gone to a hockey game, the Aunts & Uncles were all out spending money, Grandma and Grandpoo were out drinkin' and carousing, and Pumpkin & I were home alone for the first time since our arrival. I ran out and picked up some tortas (aka: heart attack on a bun), and I even briefly entertained the notion of putting Pumpkin to bed early for a change. NOT! The gang showed up before I'd even finished chewing my torte, haha. Here are a few pictures from the past few days. In the picture of the tiny dancers, Cass is 2nd from left and Lis is at far right. Then, there's Van, Ron, Grandpoo, Grandma, the group in the trolley and in the back of Mom's Navigator (with me driving), and the last is of Pumpkin and I ostensibly getting ready for bed but really just goofing off and having a blast!

Back Home (Snowing Again)

Well, as it turned out, we didn't fare much better for the final portion of our San Diego trip than we did at the onset. I came down with the same stomach virus that felled Pumpkin and spent our last full day in San Diego lying around Joe and Ranny's house like a limp rag. Unfortunately, that meant missing out on Legoland, but at least we got to spend a lovely afternoon at Balboa Park before I got sick. Here are some of my favorite snapshots of Pumpkin from our last couple days in SD:

The 1st one was taken while we were strolling around the grounds at Paradise Point. I think he looks like a little schoolboy (so cute!). The other 2 were taken in Joe and Ranny's lush backyard while "Mommy" (me) was sick in bed. Incidentally, the guys' landscaping is absolutely stupendous, but I won't post those pics here. You'll find those and the rest of our vacation pics where I post all our pics, on the Rocky Baby Picture Show. Not now, of course, as I'm still a bit behind on that site, haha,...but eventually! I promise. Anyway, the last picture is of Pumpkin and I riding the open-air trolley at Balboa Park mere hours before I got sick.

As nice as it was visiting with Joe and Ranny, I was very glad to return to Colorado, where I could at least be sick in my own home. I gotta say, though, I LOVED the ease with which I was able to reach the bath sink to puke my guts out. Great design-planning, Guys! I'll be sure to remember that when it's time to remodel over here. ;)

Well, I'm happy to report that, though this illness lingered for a bit, both Pumpkin and I have been completely restored for over a week now. Yay! BTW, it snowed again in Colorado a few days after we returned from California. Bah! Enough of the lies!

Potty Dance

While I find the time to get on here and wrap up our trip to San Diego, here's a video clip of Pumpkin dancing to his potty chair song. Sorry, but it's sideways so you'll have to tilt your head again for this one. You won't regret it though. Check out his moves!

Here's another random thought:
My regular car is a Chrysler Pacifica mommy-mobile. When the weather's nice; however, Pumpkin and I like to tool around in my Mazda Miata 10AM. Apparently, this has convinced Pumpkin that I am a cool mommy, who only drives cool cars, because he has since labeled every single snazzy and/or convertible toy car he owns as "Mommy car." (By contrast, "Daddy" has only been given 2 toy p/u trucks and one's kind of ratty, hehe.) Wanting to preserve this in my memory forever, I recently gathered up all the "Mommy cars" I could find and took a picture of them. Ta-da!