Co-Captain's Log: Day 6

Stardate 27122008

On the last day of our trip, my computer suddenly stopped responding. No lights, no sounds, no life. I tried it again today to see if perhaps different lighting or a different setting might somehow help make a difference, but nothing helped.

So I find myself, once again, offline until further notice. I'm blogging from QT's laptop right now, but I'm unable to transfer pics from my camera to his computer without the proper cord (which is in the kitchen drawer where it's usually kept back in our house in Colorado) so this is the extent of it for now.

The good news is that we just had our desktop repaired so I won't be completely unplugged once we get back home; however, as I usually log on using my laptop while sitting on the sofa feeding Giggles, it will be difficult to figure out a way to log on from the desktop. Once we get back home, I plan to connect my laptop to its docking station to see if I can see anything that way. Because if it is just the screen that's dead, I can backup whatever new pics and files I'd added to the laptop since it came back from the shop before I chuck the whole goddamn contraption straight into the garbage. Coz that's what it is...a piece of refuse! A piece of puuuuutresence! Rubbish! Filth! Slime! Muck! Boo! Boo!

(I will try to post some pictures soon though. There's lots going on around here!)

Co-Captain's Log: Day 2

Stardate 23122008

We've been driving for what feels like an eternity yet it feels like we're no closer to our destination than when we started. Before we left, I told the captain to expect this, but I don't think that even I'd really expected this. Nothing to do now but ride it out, I suppose. I wish a giant bird would just swoop out of the sky, pluck our vehicle off the ground, and fly us the rest of the way...because then we'd get all the benefits of air travel without the hassle...well, without bathrooms too but since we'd arrive in fairly short order, we could just *hold* it.

The reason our trip is taking this long is probably obvious to all who know us. It's the wee ones needing their exercise, potty breaks, sustenance, etc. Then, of course, there's the getting everyone BACK in the truck. That's easily another 15-20 minutes right there. Nevertheless, I'm feeling pretty good right now. It's quiet in the truck, our wireless Internet is finally working again, and I can still feel my butt. All reasons to celebrate in my book.

Actually, the kids and dog (and even QT) are all behaving remarkably well on this trip. I expected nothing less from Pumpkin and his dog, but I wasn't sure how Giggles would handle this road trip given her history of histrionics on our daily 30-minute drive to/from Pumpkin's school. The problems only occur when we stop for the night, and everyone's wide awake because they've slept all the way there. LOL

Now, it's time for me to begin my nightly ritual of searching for suitable lodging for 2 adults, 2 kids, and a dog. It's not as easy as it sounds when you're out in the boonies...not unless you want to stay at a place called the Sleep Tite 9 or something along those lines. ;)

Check out these highs!

10-Day Forecast for our destination:

High/Low (°F)

Mon Dec 22 AM Showers 47°/40°
Tue Dec 23 AM Clouds / PM Sun 70°/58°
Wed Dec 24 Partly Cloudy 79°/55°
Thu Dec 25 Partly Cloudy 76°/59°
Fri Dec 26 Partly Cloudy 81°/61°
Sat Dec 27 Mostly Sunny 79°/49°
Sun Dec 28 Mostly Sunny 72°/49°
Mon Dec 29 Sunny 71°/48°
Tue Dec 30 Sunny 71°/48°

Last Updated Dec 22 12:09 a.m. CT

Woo-hoo! We may even play outside in the sprinklers just because we can! Earlier this evening, I took my car for a wash, and it was so cold outside that my side-view mirrors iced over as the car exited the wash. Iced...over! WTH? I am really looking forward to the nice, happy, warm weather we'll have in Texas.

I think what I'm happiest about is not having to deal with the hassle of finding and/or carrying jackets, blankets, car seat covers, boots, gloves, and on and on. I can deal with the cold, but good lord, give me a break from all the accoutrements. They're a pain. And the snow. Snow's a pain.

I thought, for sure, that I'd be going batty by now from being stuck indoors because of the snow. I am going batty, but it isn't from the snow, hehe. it even Winter yet? Well, whatever. "Winter" hasn't been too bad so far. Sure, it's been cold, but it hasn't really snowed much and that's made all the difference. So, even though we have to wear tons of gear, at least we're not wet or tracking slush into the house. I think, also, that perhaps we're all finally getting used to the cold. Even Sunshine goes out now without his little roller-derby jacket. (yes, he's a sight)

BTW, you'd think that being married to a medium-cheese in a company that manufactures all sorts of chemical products, it'd be pretty easy for me to get my hands on some mag chloride for our driveway. Well, it isn't. Apparently, the stuff is manufactured somewhere out in the boonies, and it would take longer than I really feel like waiting to get one measly bag out here. At least that's what I was told. Instead, I just went out and bought a jug of the snow-melting stuff from Target. I'd never used it before. It's fun!

Anyway, Texas, here we come!

Fall 2008 EEC Culmination

On Wednesday, Pumpkin's class had their "culmination," which is basically a school program in which they recite little poems and sing and dance a bit to show us what they've been learning this semester. The topic this semester was food--where it comes from, what it's about, how to count it, measure it, textures, their culmination was also about food.

We didn't realize what the culmination entailed until the day before it was to happen so QT was unable to attend since he'd already scheduled a meeting for that morning. Bella and I were there; however, and I took a few short videos for QT. I also meant to post them on youtube to show everyone back home, but as it turns out, the finished product that our DVDR camcorder provides us is not transferable to anything online. Argh! As QT will attest, nothing gets under my skin like electronic/computer issues that I can't resolve....or rather, that take more time to resolve than I'm willing to give, haha. So, I've been sitting here for 2 days trying out all sorts of programs, dealing with stupid Windows error messages, and cursing these blasted machines the whole time trying to figure out a way to make this work. I mean, there HAS to be a way, right? If we could put a man on the moon....blah blah blah.

Nope. Wrong.

I thought I'd finally found a method, but when I tried previewing it just now, all I got was audio and now it's stuck on uploading so we'll see if it actually publishes video as well. I mean, we'll see if it publishes anything.

Ok, now, I'm really ticked off. I've wasted 3 days trying to figure this thing out, and it's just not going anywhere. My problem is that I can't seem to stop. I want to give up, but as soon as I have a minute, I'm back here again trying yet another approach...all to no avail. Well, I finally went el-cheapo route and just recorded it off of the tv screen (see below). It looks dark and crappy, but I'm afraid that's as good as it's gonna get online. :(

Colorado Christmas and Baby Belly Laughs

With 9 days to go before Christmas and only 5 days to go before we undertake yet another 20+ hour roadtrip, we've been busily taking advantage of all the Christmas-y events going on around town as well as whatever other fun stuff we find to do.

First off, we had fun in the snow!

We also attended a muzic class and spent a morning at the Hammonds Candies Candy Cane Festival with our friends. And, no, I don't actually believe that my daughter is getting anything out of a music class at her age, haha, though I did attach a little rattle to her wrist in case she felt like getting her groove on. ;)

The weather that day was so nice and predicted to get so bad the next day that we went straight from the Candy Cane Festival to the Colorado Railroad Museum to ride the Santa Express.

This is not the Santa Express. This is the Little Spike at the Candy Cane Festival. I have pictures from the Railroad Museum, of course, but since Pumpkin didn't want to visit with Santa, and since the trains haven't changed in the past couple of months, I won't post pictures from that outing this time. ;)

Instead, I'll move ahead to our playgroup's Family Christmas Party!! It was bitterly cold out the day of our party, and the heater at the community center was not working, but we still had a lot of fun. In between eating re-frozen food and warming up by the fireplace, we enjoyed the company of our friends, good food, and a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus, who stopped by to bring books for all the playgroup kiddies. Here's Giggles enjoying a laugh with Santa.

Here's Pumpkin chatting with Santa. Pumpkin has not wanted to talk to Santa at all this year though we've bumped into the Big Guy several times here and there. The funny thing is that he believes in Santa; he just apparently doesn't feel Santa is all that relevant. LOL. Pumpkin claims he doesn't have to ask Santa for gifts because he will be getting gifts from his Grandma(s) and his parents! Well, as we all know, resistance is futile. Not when Santa is standing right in front of you AND reportedly has a present for you inside his big red bag! So, Pumpkin finally deigned to talk to Santa...but he refused to tell Santa that his favorite things are trains and instead told Santa that he likes blocks or cars or something like that. Ohhh-kay then.

Here's a picture of the kids waiting for Santa to distribute their gifts, and there's Pumpkin happily showing off his. When he unwrapped his gift and discovered that Santa had brought him his very own copy of Skippy Jon Jones and the Big Bones, he turned to me with a big grin and said "this is what I always wanted!" Awwww! {melt}

I'd been feeling a bit bad about constantly pushing Santa in Pumpkin's face, but that somehow seemed to make it better. Anyway, here's QT reading Pumpkin's new book to a tiny little rapt audience of tiny little people.

And, below is a picture of some of the moms in our group. Y'all have "heard" me talk about them before, I'm sure. These wonderful ladies have been my lifeline while I'm so far away from all my family and old friends. Knowing them has been great fun, and it's also truly been something to watch Pumpkin and his little friends basically "grow up" together.

Anyway, the next day, we took cupcakes to Pumpkin's school to celebrate his birthday since school will be out when his birthday actually rolls around. One of our playgroup mommies custom made these cupcakes for Pumpkin per his specifications. He ordered red and blue cupcakes with sprinkles and 1 pink cupcake for his teacher, Miss Shelly, who was going to be celebrating her birthday that same day.

Oh, and before I forget, Giggles had her first big belly laugh yesterday while we were visiting some friends. She was watching Pumpkin and his friend "O" goofing off and laughing like lunatics, and she suddenly joined in! It was the cutest thing, but I was so startled that I completely forgot to take out my camera. Here's a picture I took of her this morning. Getting ready for the baptism and working on those invitations. (BTW, that's one of Pumpkin's baby outfits she's wearing ;) And finally, one last picture of Pumpkin all tuckered out on the RTD Light Rail...coming back from a jaunt downtown to visit his daddy.

My Favorite Things

Just like I have an official favorite airport concourse, I now also have a favorite mall. It's the Colorado Mills mall in Lakewood, CO. And, no, it's not because of the stores because, in truth, I'm not really the *shopping* type so I hardly pay attention to the stores. The reason I love it is because they have a new drop-in childcare facility called Antsy Pants that Pumpkin just loved! He could hardly wait while I filled out the paperwork, and he even asked to stay longer when I returned to pick him up 2 hours later. Best of all, because it's new, Antsy Pants is/was running a BOGO free 1st hour promotion so I only paid $16 for THREE hours of state-licensed childcare....snacks included! As the Wiggles would say, Whoop-de-doo! Of course, I still had Bella with me so my supposed 3 hours of "me" time were really more like 1 hour 45 minutes of actual "free" time, lol, but boy, those 105 minutes were really nice.

Pumpkin was very sad when we finally left the mall, and he's asked to return to Antsy Pants tomorrow. This mall is probably about an hour away from our house, but it may be worth my time to drive all the way out there if Pumpkin will consent to stay. Heck, I may use my free time to browse the book store and maybe even read a book! A really short book.


It's weird wild wacky Pumpkin Tuesday! Here are some current pics of my favorite boy and his favorite dog.

And, here are a couple more pictures of BG. Check out the weird, wild, wacky hair on that girl!

I was finally able to get some live footage of BG smiling and cooing at us earlier today. She seems to especially enjoy watching her brother.

And, just for grins, here's a picture we took of Sunshine's own personal potty spot. Whenever it snows, we don our coats and boots and go outside to make a nice clean spot just like this one. ;)


Pumpkin has a new nickname for his baby sister...Giggles. How cute is that? As I sit here this morning in my underwear feeding Giggles with one arm, typing with the other, and with Sunshine sitting on my legs, I did I come to this?

Well, I'll tell you. I went out this morning to clear a spot on the grass on which Sunshine could go potty. I didn't realize how deep the snowdrifts in the backyard were so I sank right in getting my pants and socks covered in snow. If it were already midday, I wouldn't care, but gosh-darn-it-all, it's barely morning and I had only been wearing my clothes for about 15 minutes when they got wet. So I threw them in the dryer. And so I sit here in my underwear while they dry.

Elsewhere this morning, my parents are meeting with Father Davis at their local Catholic Church to find out if he's going to grant us a personal baptism for Giggles. For you non-Catholics, here's a quick lesson in Catholic baptisms. Usually, they're held on certain days of the month and everyone has to get them done at the same time. Since we'd be coming in from about 18 hours away (actual driving time only), we cannot make it to their last scheduled baptism this month so we're asking for a special ceremony for Giggles for the last weekend of the month. We'd like to get this done back home since that's where all our family is. Plus, that's where the godparents live. So, we're waiting to find out.

Oops, gotta run. It's almost time to pick Pumpkin up from school. Laters!

My Momma

I just came across a sad blog post from someone whose husband attacked her in a drunken rage one night. She ended up calling the police and getting an Emergency Order of Protection for her and her child. The really sad part for me was finding out that neither her parents nor her sister have bothered to come to her aid, not even to aid her emotionally. Her sister's husband is a good friend of her own husband's so he's gone to stay with them while the EOP is in effect. For Thanksgiving, her own sister turned her away so that things wouldn't get uncomfortable (I'm assuming). Meanwhile, her parents were on vacation and could apparently not be bothered to return to be with her. This was a woman who'd been choked and beaten by her own husband!!

Wow. I have always known that I'm fortunate to have the family I have, but I'm still surprised at how lousy some families can treat one of their own.

About 8 years ago, I had a miscarriage. It was my first pregnancy, and it was neither planned nor welcomed by either my husband or me. It was a shock, then, to realize how shocked I was when I lost it. In retrospect, I think I must've felt guilty because I had not wanted the baby. Whatever the reason, within hours of hearing about my miscarriage, my mom was on her way to be with me (we lived about 6 hours apart at the time). What I remember most clearly, even now, about the day she arrived was how she held me in her arms and stroked my hair while I cried. In fact, I teared up again thinking about it just now. (Can I still claim rampant hormones if I'm 3 months post-partum...or am I just a big wuss?)

A couple of years ago, we'd already moved to Denver, and I hurt my back. I could barely walk and couldn't lift a thing including my 2 y/o son, but I was managing so-so...for the first week or so. One fine day, I had a bad reaction to a muscle relaxant and ended up calling my mom in tears. I swear, she was on the next plane to Denver...or at least it seemed that way to me. She and my Dad own a couple of restaurants (as you know), but she ignored her work for a whole week just to come and take care of me (& Pumpkin, I guess). She even gathered up her courage and drove me to the doctor's office one day...on icy roads no less! (You should know that my mom lives in a very hot climate where it NEVER...EVER snows.)

You'd be even more amazed if you knew what kind of upbringing my mom had, and the odds she had to beat to even get this far. (Let's just say her parents could have been a little kinder.)

Sure, my life growing up wasn't all roses, and my mom wasn't perfect...and still isn't, but she's always been there for me when it's mattered most...and that's mattered most of all. Today, I look to my mom as a shining example of the kind of mother I try to be for my own child(ren). When Pumpkin is hurt or sad, I think back to when I was little to what my mom did to make me feel better, and I try to emulate the way she stroked my arm or caressed my face.

Fortunately, my mom knows how much I love her because I often tell her. Even QT understands how I feel because I often tell him that when I "grow up," I want to be just like my mom, hehe. I'll gladly say it again anyway:

I love you, Mom. You're the best!

Thanksgiving Day

We had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving day. We started the day out with some of our playgroup friends and rounded out the evening with our next-door neighbors. All I have to say is that I'm glad we know such good cooks because both our lunch and dinner meals were EXCELLENT! Thanks for a wonderful day, friends. :)

Sitting at the table with Pumpkin are his friends Nate and Paige. That's me in the other picture standing with my mommy friends Heather, Lailah, Nikki, Kristi, and Katie (seated with BG).

Our neighbors:

(left) Calvin with BG and (right) Pumpkin and Alex playing with the piano.

The following Saturday, my guys traveled to Golden to attend the Colorado Railroad Museum's Thanksgiving Goose Fest. Long story short for you non-railfans, many years ago, the Rio Grande Southern Railroad (RGS) was running out of money so they created these Frankenstein vehicles from excess car and train parts that enabled them to continue operations at a fraction of the cost of running steam trains. RGS ultimately built 7 of these "motors, which are now known as the "Galloping Geese," and 6 of those are still around today mostly in museums, etc. This weekend, CRM was going to be running its entire fleet of Geese for the first time ever, and the guys...well, they just had to be there for this historic occasion.

Just for kicks, here's another picture of BG. She's already reaching for things, and she seems to get a kick out of these car seat toys (batting at them and smiling at them).

Almost forgot! The weekend before Thanksgiving, we took Pumpkin to Boondocks for a round of mini golf in their Winter Wonderland of Lights. Now, there's a dedicated golfer!

I See the Future

This morning, I went out into the snow wearing only my pj's and a bathrobe and used a toy shovel to clear the snow off of a patch of grass so that the dog could go potty on it. Sunshine is so small, you see, that he is hesitant to step into the snow even when it's only a couple inches deep. Also, he just hates the cold.

Fortunately, it wasn't very cold today, but I foresaw my future, and all I can say is...oh boy.

To his credit, Sunshine did go potty on the clean square of grass I created for him so at least it's not for naught.

Why Aren't I Asleep?!

Beats me. Everyone else in the house is. Even the dog is asleep beside me. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here surfing the 'Net and listening to holiday music on Comcast cable. Sad thing is, they play the same dang holiday songs over and over and over. And, WHO THE HELL IS BILLY GILPIN?!!! He's got a lot of songs on this channel, and I've never even heard of this kid. Bah!

I'm not really in a pissy mood. (I'm just drawn that way, hehe.) I actually had a pretty decent day. We had Pumpkin's parent/teacher conference this afternoon. It went well, I suppose. My biggest question for his teachers was, "does (Pumpkin) really belong in a school like this?" According to Miss Danielle and Miss Shelly, this is the question most of their EEC parents ask. Oh, okay. Anyway, they assured me that, by his social interactions and participation in classroom activities, Pumpkin does display true signs of "giftedness." Hmph. I'm not sure if I'm completely convinced, but since we're already paid up for the whole school year, we'll just keep at it...though I don't look forward to continuing with my daily drive through hell to pick him up from school everyday (b/c of Bella's screaming all the way there and back, UGH!).

Don't get me wrong. I agree that Pumpkin is very intelligent; I'm just not sure he's any more intelligent than other kids his age. Then again, he is so articulate and knowledgeable that I tend to *forget* that he's still only 3 and often catch myself speaking to him like he's much older. But that's not all the time. Usually, I'm content to let him tear around the house with Sunshine doing what they do best, which is tear stuff up, haha.

In case you're wondering what's so special about this school, here's a glimpse of what they've *learned* so far this semester:

Music (they enjoyed a performance by some members of the Colorado Symphony)

A bunch of other high-falutin' stuff too, but as y'all know, my memory is completely shot so that's all I can think of right now. Now, it's time to hit the sack. Until next time!

Freakin' Nuggets

I finally got around to working on some thank you cards and birth announcements today. Halfway through my project, I realized that I needed to buy different cards so off to Target I went. When I got back home an hour or so later (or more, who knows), the house was eerily silent. I asked QT what was going on, and he said, "the kids are asleep." Uhhh......ex-squeeze me?

That's right. BOTH KIDS ARE ASLEEP, AND IT'S ONLY 9PM. OMG! (yes, "only"...we're very lax parents, I know). Anyway, this is unbelievable. QT claims that he didn't have much to do with it since both kids just fell asleep while sitting with him on the sofa, but to me, this is nothing short of miraculous. Way to go, QT! As a reward, you get to keep watching your sports even though I'm home again. ;)

As I sit here watching the "freakin' Nuggets" losing against God-knows-what-team (oh, it's the Bulls, and they're tied now), I vow to dedicate this blog to QT, my hero. We're also watching...let's see, it looks like the Chargers and the Colts, but what I really want to say is HIP HIP HOORAY for the Texas Longhorns, QT's fave college team. Even though they were "off" this weekend, they've managed to make it back up to #2 in the college polls. Go Team!

A Day Like Today

I have had the utmost shittiest day today. I won't bother with the details, but suffice to say that at various times today, I dreamt of running away, screaming, crying, banging my head on the steering wheel, and all of the above at once. Probably other things too, but this is one instance in which my poor memory will work to my benefit. By tomorrow, probably the only memory I'll have of this incredibly lousy day will be this post. In fact, all of today's emotions are fading like mist even as I try to exorcise them by writing them down so perhaps I won't even have this post to remind me. I guess this really is for the best. Why would I even want to remember?

Still, scattered amongst the jagged events that made up my day today were a few sweet images and feelings that make a day like today tolerable...I mean, survivable, haha. BG's face lighting up with a big smile when she saw me peeking in on her. Pumpkin curling up beside me and brushing my hair while I read to him. Pumpkin giving BG her pacifier. BG cooing and smiling at Pumpkin. (That was perhaps the sweetest image I had all day.)

Here She Is!

And here's Pumpkin Pie with his sister in better days. Hopefully, he'll be back to his old self again very soon.

Life with BG #4

BG has been smiling for a couple of weeks now, but I just had to mention that she gave me a big ole' smile today!! It would've meant more if she hadn't also given the cat a big ole' grin just a couple minutes later, haha. Still, at least now I know for sure that she recognizes me. The books all say she was born recognizing at least my voice, but as I'm not prone to blind faith in any *theories,* it's nice to finally have some proof. And, I have to say, she is just the cutest little thing when she smiles and coos. It just makes me want to hug her and squeeze her and call her George.

I'd post a picture of her smiling, but I haven't taken one yet. Come to think of it, I've hardly broken out the camera at all or taken any pictures of her just lying around doing nothing in particular like I did of Pumpkin when he was a baby. Oh, no. Can it be? 2nd child syndrome! It happened to me! It can happen to you.

It's after midnight now, and BG is asleep, but I know now what I must do. Tomorrow, just as soon as I get everyone settled in for the morning (which means after both kids have eaten and after I call the pediatrician's office and after I've taken Sunshine outside to potty and cleaned his room and after I've given Pumpkin his neb treatments and after I feed BG again (b/c she'll be ready to eat again by then) and after I finally scarf down a piece of bread or something so that I don't faint from hunger), I will take my camera and sit on the floor to play with BG and snap some pictures of her! Gosh darn it all, I will do it!

Is It THAT Time of Year Already?

It's time to unpack the ornaments, shop for gifts, reconnect with old friends, and dust off our...nebulizer?! Yes, gentlefolk, it's THAT time of year again. Pumpkin and I got our flu shots in September and our first colds the week before Halloween. Neither of us got very sick, but Pumpkin hasn't been able to shake off his cough since then. Last week, the cough turned a bit croupy (right before the weekend, I might add). The cough had calmed down considerably by Saturday morning so I didn't take him to the doctor. I decided, instead, to pick up his last refill of Donatussin from the pharmacy just in case and also to keep the humidifier running in his room.

Except for the persistent dry cough, he was doing okay and was still running around and playing with his friends and with Sunshine so I assumed he was getting better. By Wednesday night, though, the croupy cough seemed to be making a comeback so I kept him home from school the next day and called his doctor's office again (the nurseline actually). On their advice, I started his albuterol treatments, but I once again declined to take him into the office to be checked out. (More on why later)

Friday morning, Pumpkin was doing better, but by late afternoon, he suddenly started wilting. One minute, he was running around playing, the next, he'd stopped talking and could barely keep his eyes open. By the time we got home, Pumpkin was crying that he was cold so I bundled him up in a big fuzzy blanket, and he fell asleep on the sofa. I was hoping that he would feel better after getting some rest, but I called the nurseline anyway and made an appointment to take him in that afternoon at 4:30 (cutting it close!).

Pumpkin stayed asleep--through loading him and BG in the car, through dropping BG off at a friend's house, and through driving to the doctor's office. In fact, he didn't wake up until we arrived at the pediatrician's, and even then, he insisted on taking his blanket inside with him and nearly fell asleep again on my lap. By the time we got into an exam room, he was burning up with fever. He vomited after the strep test then again when we got home, and it almost seemed like he was a bit delirious at times. We got him to take some steroid tablets to help with the croupy cough, but we all had a pretty rough night that night.

Since then, his fever has gone up and down, and the croupy cough has remained consistent even during the day, which I find baffling. I'm thinking we'll probably have to return to the doctor's office tomorrow...or at least call them again to find out what the next step is. As much as I complain about how much he talks (he talks A LOT), it's distressing to me to see how quiet he is now. It's so unlike him to be this quiet. He even turned down chocolate candy! True, I was trying to use it to bribe him into taking a spoonful of honey (for the cough), but if you know Pumpkin at all, you realize how bad he must feel to turn down candy. I'm tired now. We all are. I will keep you posted.

Life with BG, #3

The last of our visitors have gone, and the dust is finally settling around here. For the past couple of nights, BG has slept for 5-6 hour stretches at a time, and last night, she even did that in her own crib for a change! Woo-hoo! Celebrate!!

It was great having the family here again. Pumpkin was especially thrilled to see them and *planned* all sorts of fun things to do (mainly involving playing with his trains in our newly dubbed "train room" or watching train movies in his own room, hehe). Coincidentally, the Great Train Expo was in town the same weekend, and Beautiful Grandma was gracious enough to accept Pumpkin's invitation to accompany us to the show. (Cousin Lys joined us as well. :)

Sadly, their visit was so brief that we hardly had time to take any pictures. Haha, just kidding! It wasn't that brief. ;) For whatever reason though, we didn't really take that many pics so, hopefully, Chela will send me the ones she took. For now, here's a good one of Grandma holding BG at the train show. (And one of Pumpkin fast asleep with his buddy Sunshine :)

Still in Shock

I woke up wondering if it was true...AND IT WAS!!

We're not all a bunch of idiots after all! What a relief. My faith in my fellow man (and woman) is restored. Yay!! :)

I was saying to a friend yesterday that I used to admire John McCain before he won his party's nomination in this election. He used to be one of the good guys, and I may have considered voting for him if he hadn't made such a big slip up with his running mate. I mean, Sarah Palin literally came out of right field, and all I knew about her was what I saw in bits and pieces on the evening news or on video clips on the 'Net (or on my favorite: SNL, haha). Other than that, I really didn't know enough about her to form much of an opinion, though what I did see didn't really make her look all that good, sad to say. I did know that many people LOVED her because she was a regular person just like the rest of us. I agree with that. She certainly seems like she knows how to have fun, but people, hadn't you noticed that the last time we "elected" a regular guy to our nation's highest office (if you can call a spoiled rich party boy a regular guy), we ended up with the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1929, mired in a hopeless, costly, and mostly unnecessary war, with our civil rights trampled, and with the rich getting richer while the rest of us worry about how expensive a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk have gotten.? I can't believe you hadn't noticed that. Hmm.

Heck, this economic crisis has me so worried that I've resorted to buying Archer Farms branded groceries in order to save every little cent I can. For those of you who don't know, Archer Farms is like the modern day equivalent of the olden days' generic brands...only better. Remember this? Although I was too young to drink it when it was being sold, I remember seeing it in stores, haha.

Anyway, back to what I was saying. I have nothing personal against Sarah Palin, but if I've learned anything these past 8 years, it's this: Regular folks like me, who prefer to watch silly movies over CNN and who couldn't, to save our lives, name the Prime Minister of Malaysia (aka that Claymation dude) should absolutely NOT be in charge of this country. We, the regular people, definitely need to be led by those who are MORE IDEALISTIC and who pay more attention than us. (Note this does not say those whose interests lie solely in making themselves richer than us...there's a big difference there.) Hopefully, this Barack Obama is as smart and as honest as he seems. Good luck and God speed, Mr. Obama!

Election 2008

Wow! I seriously never thought I'd see the day. Barack Obama, a (half) black man (1/2 black not 1/2 man ;), was just elected President of these United States. And, our adopted home state of Colorado and our county in particular played an important part in making this happen. :)

The pundits keep saying that everyone will remember where they were and what they were doing when the election was called tonight. I was sitting on the sofa using the breast pump while QT held a sleeping BG. What a thing to remember, haha.


The weekend before Halloween, we attended 'Trick or Treat for Health' at Centennial Medical Plaza.

The next day, we visited the Colorado Railroad Museum's Trick or Treat Train. We were a family of black cats. :)

The day before Halloween (October 30th), BG and I joined Pumpkin for a Halloween party at his school. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera to the party, but I was able to get a cute picture of the kids together when we got home (in orange shirts w/dog). Note the picture of the jack-o-lantern: I'm actually planning to keep this craft project forever because it has Pumpkin's 1st ever "signature." :) The last picture is of Pumpkin *trick-or-treating* around our neighborhood.

Forgive me, friends, but I am seriously falling asleep. I'm afraid that I am barely able to string 2 words together right now so please forgive me for posting such a *dry* blog. I'll be back soon to fix it up. For now, good night!