I woke up wondering if it was true...AND IT WAS!!
We're not all a bunch of idiots after all! What a relief. My faith in my fellow man (and woman) is restored. Yay!! :)
I was saying to a friend yesterday that I used to admire John McCain before he won his party's nomination in this election. He used to be one of the good guys, and I may have considered voting for him if he hadn't made such a big slip up with his running mate. I mean, Sarah Palin literally came out of right field, and all I knew about her was what I saw in bits and pieces on the evening news or on video clips on the 'Net (or on my favorite: SNL, haha). Other than that, I really didn't know enough about her to form much of an opinion, though what I did see didn't really make her look all that good, sad to say. I did know that many people LOVED her because she was a regular person just like the rest of us. I agree with that. She certainly seems like she knows how to have fun, but people, hadn't you noticed that the last time we "elected" a regular guy to our nation's highest office (if you can call a spoiled rich party boy a regular guy), we ended up with the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1929, mired in a hopeless, costly, and mostly unnecessary war, with our civil rights trampled, and with the rich getting richer while the rest of us worry about how expensive a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk have gotten.? I can't believe you hadn't noticed that. Hmm.
Heck, this economic crisis has me so worried that I've resorted to buying Archer Farms branded groceries in order to save every little cent I can. For those of you who don't know, Archer Farms is like the modern day equivalent of the olden days' generic brands...only better. Remember this? Although I was too young to drink it when it was being sold, I remember seeing it in stores, haha.
Anyway, back to what I was saying. I have nothing personal against Sarah Palin, but if I've learned anything these past 8 years, it's this: Regular folks like me, who prefer to watch silly movies over CNN and who couldn't, to save our lives, name the Prime Minister of Malaysia (aka that Claymation dude) should absolutely NOT be in charge of this country. We, the regular people, definitely need to be led by those who are MORE IDEALISTIC and who pay more attention than us. (Note this does not say those whose interests lie solely in making themselves richer than us...there's a big difference there.) Hopefully, this Barack Obama is as smart and as honest as he seems. Good luck and God speed, Mr. Obama!
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