I mean that literally. I've been puking, gagging, and coughing since I got off the damned plane! What's THAT about?
Well, I suppose now's as good a time as any to tell y'all that I'm pregnant, which might have accounted for the puking etc. IF I hadn't just spent a wonderful puke-free week in Texas. So there! Take that, Colorado!
Anyway, so yeah, I'm pregnant...against all odds, and the creature (as QT & I lovingly refer to it) is apparently alive and kicking--as of my last ultrasound on 03/10/08. Here's a pic. See if you can spot the critter (oh, yeah, that's Creature's other nickname, haha ;)
QT & I think the higher altitude might be affecting me so, naturally, all I want to do now is go back to Texas, where I can eat all I want courtesy of mom and dad's restaurant AND, best of all, not puke. Not puking is always fun.
Sadly, there's no move to Texas in our near future so I've decided that I will simply move to Texas by myself...for the summer. Well, I'll have Pumpkin with me of course, and we won't "move" as in LIVE there forever. It'll be more of a really extended vacation or a reverse "Winter Texan" thing (aka "Summer Texans"). Truth be told, I don't know how long I'll be able to stand the heat, and even if I last, I'll still have to be back a couple of months before my EDD anyway, which sucks because I'd much rather have a Texan baby than a Colorado-born one.
Long live the Republic! Yee-haw! ;)
Congratulations Pine! Can't wait to meet the CREATURE!