Here are some recent pics of the kiddos!
As you can see, Pumpkin looks more like his Daddy every day, and Giggles...well...I LIKE to think that she's my own little clone. A little pineapple, as it were. And she does look a little like a leafy crown in this picture, doesn't she?
Unfortunately, Giggles also inherited my tendency to grow hair and nails really fast. I'm constantly having to trim her sharp, little scissorhands, and her hair has grown SOOOOO long that we're thinking it might be time for a cut! (Here she is when her hair was still a bit shorter.)
Otherwise, she's moving right along the infant phases. She rolled over on her own for the first time last night, and she's been showing more and more interest in the food we eat. She's also absolutely fascinated by Sunshine (the dog) and loves to pull his ears (see left) and grab his "fur" (his skin really since he's, y'know, kinda hairless, LOL). For his part, Sunshine seems happy enough to sit with Giggles every chance he gets. He never bites her, but he has gotten more bold with her. The other day, I turned around to find him LICKING her face! Ack! She's been kissed by a dog! GET SOME IODINE!GET SOME HOT WATER!
Pumpkin is also doing great. He seems to be enjoying school more this semester (go ahead, put a dagger through my heart). Today, I left Giggles with a friend and joined Pumpkin for his classroom Valentine's Day party. We had a lot of fun, and he seemed very happy to have some one-on-one time with me (or he could've just been happy b/c of all the candy he got from his friends, hehe). He's still totally into trains and loves visiting the Colorado Railroad Museum with his dad. Here's a picture of him alongside his "favorite" train at the museum. Look closely or you might miss him!
He doesn't know this yet, but on Saturday, I'm taking him to a Skippyjon Jones book event at the library. I've even invited some of his friends to join us. I hope they make it. Those of you who keep up with this blog probably remember that he's been a big Skippy fan for *years.* Here he is at age 2 with his 1st Skippyjon book--so cute!
In related news, nights are much better at home these days. Giggles has been sleeping in her crib and through the night for a while now. Pumpkin has also finally returned to his own room, and he seems to be doing just fine too. Ever since our discussion about pupils, he doesn't even want us to leave his night light on anymore so that he can *see* in the dark. Even Sunshine is doing much better at night! He's been sleeping with Pumpkin, and he had a couple of accidents in the beginning, but he's kept *clean* for a couple of weeks now. It appears that the only one not sleeping through the night now is me! I get up at least once every night to check on the kids. There've been a few nights that I've left my room and gone to sleep in Giggles' room just to be closer to the two of them. I think I just miss being near them. Like they say, be careful what you wish for, it sometimes has a way of biting you in the ass, haha.
Well, as much fun as this post has been to write, it's time for me to "shut it." Here are a few more pics for y'all to enjoy.
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