Going in Reverse

Hooray, Giggles is sitting!!

She'd started sitting up a few days earlier but still needed to lean on something in order to stay upright. (see above: kids playing in the crib.) Then, one day (April 23rd to be exact), I sat her up, and she stayed up on her own! QT was out of town when it happened so I sent him this picture (left) taken on my cell phone (my camera was out of reach, and I was afraid to leave Giggles unattended j.i.c.).

That's the big news, but there's more fun stuff to report. A few days before our sledding outing, Giggles had her first baby playdate at home. I invited a couple of friends over who have babies of about the same age as Giggles, and we let the babies "play" together on the mat while us moms hung out and gabbed. Of course, Giggles being Giggles, she immediately started rolling over the other babies, but fortunately, both boys are bigger than Giggles so no one was hurt.

And, the week before our playdate, QT, Giggles, & I accompanied Pumpkin to his school, where I showed Pumpkin's classmates how to make cascarones. Pumpkin was so excited to have all of us at school with him. He helped me write our project on the daily board then stood beside me in front of his class as I explained to them what we were going to be doing. I explained to the kids how we break cascarones back home, a practice which everyone over here always finds unbelievable, haha. The kids thought it was cool, but in the end, we thought it best to have the kids break the cascarones against the wall rather than on each other's heads. Just to be safe. [p.s. Rollie Pollies is the name of his class.]

I have to add that the kids in his class are SOOOO cute! I've always professed not to be "into" kids that much, but I've found that I just love to watch Pumpkin and his little classmates in action. They're just amazing and so intelligent! They're like tiny little adults but with 100x the energy, haha. I will miss this when he gets older, I think.

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