Giggles Makes A Mess

Hard to believe, I know.

Grandma's out of town, and Giggles has been busy strewing toys around the living room, tearing into the newspaper, and taking every single tissue in the house out of its box! On the plus side, after a crazy week, she's back to sleeping like a champ!

Pumpkin is also doing much better after his most recent bout of croup. Last week, he woke one night (4 AM actually) with a croupy cough, rattling breath, and chest pain. For the next couple of hours, he and I alternated between sitting in a steamy bathroom, lying down in the living room, which is much cooler than our bedroom, and chatting on the phone with our pediatrician's afterhours nurse line (well, I did anyway). The next morning, I took him in to see a good friend of mine, who's a Nurse Practitioner at an ENT clinic, and she was wonderful! She loaded us up with samples of Z-Cof and Pulmicort for the nebulizer and a prescription for steroids and antibiotics. I borrowed my niece's nebulizer and some of their Xopenex since our supplies were, um, left behind in Colorado (for which my friend gave me a bit of a scolding, btw), and we were on our way.

Unfortunately, Pumpkin missed his last 2 days of swim class because of all this, but his lovely teacher, Miss Bede, invited us to return this week free of charge to make up the missed classes. Now, how thoughtful is that?!! :)

I still don't know exactly what Giggles' problem was last week, but I attribute her odd behavior to teething...and perhaps heat and noise. I don't recall if I'd already mentioned, but she has 4 new upper teeth coming in right now. I figure she's been pretty uncomfortable lately, which may account for her waking at all hours of the night and crying nonstop over the past week or so. And when she wasn't cranky, she was unusually quiet, which as y'all know, is not like Giggles at all. So it's good to see her back to her giggly, playful self.

With everybody out of town this past weekend, the kids and I have all gotten some much needed rest, thank goodness. I honestly don't know if I could've lasted much longer at the rate of sleeplessness I was going (see previous post). ;)

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