When the Going Gets Tough...

...the tough go home.  This Christmas, with so many amazing deals available online, I decided that I would try to do the majority of my shopping from my computer.  As many of you know, it's not always easy to go shopping with 2 little ones in tow.  In fact, I'd rank that particular unpleasantness right along with having a tooth pulled, haha.  Worse actually...because I can cope with dental procedures as long as necessary, but my ability to cope with meltdowns and whining in the middle of a crowded store definitely has a half life.  Besides, I never know what to get QT's parents or mine, and wandering aimlessly around the mall during Christmas shopping season (or anytime really) in the hope that inspiration will strike is more than I care to bear.

Enter Shutterfly.  QT and I haven't lived in the same town as our families since before we were married.  It didn't really matter when it was just the two of us, but once Pumpkin came along, it became important to me to foster our link with the folks back home.  Shutterfly fit that bill for me perfectly.  Not only is it a great place to store my pictures, share them with our loved ones, and order prints, it's also very handy when it comes to finding the perfect gift for the person who has everything.  With just a few free minutes, I can easily go online and choose a funny Halloween picture to make into a nifty mouse pad for QT or choose 12 pictures from my collection to make into a snazzy calendar for Grandma Tone or order a cute coffee mug for Beautiful Grandma (she loves those) or create an awesome snapbook of Pumpkin's 1st trip to the beach for Grandma Q.  So many options!  Such fantastic deals!  So many Grandmas!

So little time!!

There are just a few days left to have your custom photo gift shipped standard in time for Christmas (a bit more time if you choose 2-day or next day shipping).  If you've been sitting on the fence about what to get your loved ones, you'd best hurry along.  Free shipping ends tomorrow.

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