Go Fish

On our way home from school yesterday, Pumpkin was telling me about the snacks they had after recess that day.

Him: "The snacks were colored like Goldfish, but they weren't Goldfish.  They looked more like ducks or chickens."

Me: "You had Chickadees! They're like Goldfish. Did you like them?" (hoping he'd say yes and I could start buying those instead of Goldfish)

Him: "They didn't really taste like Goldfish, but I ate them anyway.  At first, I put one in my mouth, and I was like (makes a face).  Then I put my tongue on it, and it tasted a little better.  Then, I put some saliva on it, and it was better.  Then, I crunched it around with my teeth, and it was pretty good after that."

I tried to remain quiet, but I was cracking up!  Thank goodness he couldn't see me laughing from the backseat or he would've wondered what was wrong with me, haha.

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