
BTW, I did finally locate my trusty, corded drill. It was in the garage, where I'd always suspected it was, in one of the last boxes to be opened. If I would've only waited two more short months , I could've saved myself $70. Oh well. I do enjoy my new drill so it's not all bad. :)


So, although there were a couple of parts in the story that didn't quite hold up to scrutiny (for ex: why didn't Kreacher just use his powerful magic to stop Mundungus from taking off with the locket?), I thought the book, in whole, was a fitting end to the Harry Potter saga. I must admit to being momentarily turned off by the Jesus Christ turn the story briefly took right before the ending....and also, what's with all the breeding that goes on in the future? Haven't Brits ever heard of birth control? Har har

All that aside, HP 7 was a fine, exciting, and enjoyable story. Thumbs-up!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I got mine!

Picked it up at Wal-mart of all places and for less than $18! What a steal. :)

I swung by there on my way home a couple hours earlier and picked up a wristband so, come midnight, I was able to walk right past the line at the back of the store to pick up a copy of the book. By the time I got back up to the front (after I detoured for some shampoo), the line at the registers had also gone way down so I was out of the store and on my way home with my new book a mere 45 minutes after I first got in my car to go pick it up. I even had time to make a return!

I could hear the happy ruckus from the parking lot of the BN nearby, but I didn't mind. I'd rather be heading home than at a party waiting to pay for my book, hehe. Now, I'm pretty tired from our long day so I'd best get started if I want to last through even the first chapter. G'nite!


In truth, I don't know what to say about Avon at this late date. It's been too long, and I did post our vacation pics on our Rocky Baby Picture Show so I guess that's that. I do have one picture from that trip that I'd like to post because it's too cool. Not that there's ever been, but if there had ever been any doubt as to Pumpkin's paternity....well, let's just say that this picture would've silenced all questions.

I call it "Clones."

Lookit What I Found

Since last night, I've spent probably around 4 hours sorting through my digital photo and video albums. They've been in an advanced state of chaos pretty much since our trip to Avon in April.

Whoops! I was going to include the link, but I just realized that I never blogged about our trip to Avon! What a nincowpoop! What an ultramaroon! What an oversight. I've not had that much fun so close to home in such a long time that I will have to come back and blog it soon just to do our trip justice.

Anyway, back to file organization. I came across this cute little video of Pumpkin with his ultimate buddy Livy at the Denver Zoo, and I had to share it. Keep in mind the kid is only 2 years old!

I think the wagon alone probably weighs more than he does, haha!