Summer of 11

Giggles at our Summer Family Vacation enjoying a S'more without marshmallows...or chocolate

 Gosh, it's really been a while, hasn't it?  Well, what can I say about our summer except that it was fun as usual, and very very HOT.  Nothing out of the ordinary there.  Something out of the ordinary that did occur was that my nephew Ron went to Australia on a school-sanctioned visit.  The whole family went to the airport to see him off, which I'm sure he just LOVED, haha.

In other news, Giggles discovered her passion for nail polish. The brighter, the better was her motto. Many thanks to our friends and family, who allowed her to paint their finger & toe nails over and over again.  Incidentally, Giggles' other motto was "You'll get the color I say you get, and you'll like it!"

No summer is complete without a fun family reunion! We had ours at the Hill Country Resort in San Antonio. Here are some of my favorite pictures.

Me and my boy
Sister #1 with her kiddos

Lovely nieces

Sister #2 and son

Best buds!

The big boys waiting for their turn at the s'mores campfire

Brother & his girls

The boys showing off their swimming skills.

Even the grandparents got in on the action! QT guiding Giggles in her cute wave runner floaty.

Kids played reindeer, I mean Shamu games!

Took in some golf


  1. It is always nice to see photographs of a happy family. Great family reunion you had there. :-)
