My Ongoing Tax Saga

As we approach the August extension deadline for those of us who didn't file our taxes back in April, I finally made myself sit down to finish working on our taxes for the past 3 years. We started these in April a week before they were due, and we've had several months to finish them, mind you, so it's only natural that we're finally getting back to it on the eve of the next filing deadline, haha. Really, what I should be doing is packing and getting ready for my upcoming trip to Texas to attend a couple of classes at UH.

So, anyway, I'm finally done with our taxes including the extremely late ones. I commented to QT earlier that it seems that the more time I spend working on them, the more things I find that I could've done differently. Could've or should've? Oh well. I'm really just too tired to care anymore. My only hope now is that the IRS will consider us just too meaningless and unimportant to bother auditing. Ahh, to be inconspicuous. Never thought I'd find myself wishing for such a thing.

It's 2am, and I'm off to bed. Just wanted to take a moment to commemorate the occasion. Wish us luck! Visit us in prison!

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