The Happy-Haps (Week 1)

In a nutshell, here's what went down on our last visit to Texas:

The kids were in their last week of school so we spent most of our daylight hours playing in "Beautiful Grandma's" backyard with Sunshine (& Grandma's dog Lily, whom you can see in the bottom of the 1st shot. Also, note Pumpkin's before & after hair styles. ;). That weekend, we celebrated Lis's "actual" birthday and also attended the girls' dance recital.

The following Monday, we went to Lis's "Indiana Jones" birthday party, which was held at the local Children's Museum and was remarkable in that my sister forgot the plastic ware forcing us to eat our cake like this:

Actually, the party and the decorations were pretty cool. My sisters really know how to go all out, haha (not me!). Since our last visit to this museum, a retired priest had gifted them with a bunch of Union Pacific and Texas-Mexican railway model trains, books, and memorabilia, and the museum made up a separate "train room" to display their latest goods along with a huge wooden train table. Naturally, Pumpkin spent almost the entire party in that room coming out only for sustenance, hehe.

While he was out and about, Pumpkin also took the time to take a whack at the pinata and play a bit with his cousin D, who's the same age and also enjoys Thomas trains. (There's D, the tough guy, also taking a shot at the pinata.)

Lis, as you know, is Pumpkin's FAVORITE girl in the whole wide world so after the party ended, we drove her back home, where he even had a blast watching her open her gifts. So cute!

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