Co-Captain's Log: Day 14

Stardate 04012009
By the 2nd to last day of a roughly 2200-mile road trip with your spouse, 2 small kids, a dog, and a truckload of Christmas, birthday, and baptism supplies/gifts, you start to feel a little on edge perhaps even, dare I say, desperate. Desperate along the lines of...."gee, this small windblown nowhere town sure seems friendly. Maybe we should just settle down here. Oh, and look, there's a Dairy Queen!"

Anyway, after spending Christmas Eve with my family, we spent the next two days visiting QT's parents. We even found time to attend a friend's 40th bday party...a party which my parents crashed after midnight just as QT & I were preparing to leave. My mom joined the birthday *boy* in downing a few shots of the finest te-kill-ya before they finally agreed to go home with us. We attempted to take my dad's keys away from him, but in the end, we were too tired to argue so we just let them go (and yes, they made it safely).

The next couple of days were spent getting ready for one party or another. First up was Giggles' baptism, which went well enough. She was gifted with a bunch of cute clothes, which I totally wasn't expecting (the gifts, I mean). Then came Pumpkin's birthday, which we essentially celebrated twice. Once on his actual bday then again the day after with a birthday bash.

On Pumpkin's birthday, we took him and *the girls* (his cousins) to the mall where we rode the bi-level carousel, ate some chocolate from the Rocky Mountain Choc Factory, ate McD's (ugh), ending at the mall's indoor playground.

I'll post about his birthday party separately. The day after the party was New Year's Eve. On a whim, my sisters and I decided to keep the bounce castle for another day and organized a small family shindig to ring in the new year together replete with SingStar Abba version!

We were supposed to begin our return journey the next day, but we hadn't even started packing so QT & I decided, what the heck, let's hang out for one more day. We finally left on Day 12 of our trip. We didn't finish packing until late morning, and coupled with my *vow* to end each day's driving at a more decent hour, we only made it to San Angelo, where we once again enjoyed our Texas-shaped waffles for breakfast. The next day, we headed out as bright and early as possible...given that QT & Pumpkin took us on a short detour through the San Angelo Rail Museum. We drove for about 6 hours and bunked in Amarillo before heading out again the next day. By this time, we were definitely feeling the cold.

I've been working on this post on/off for most of the day in between feeding Giggles, changing diapers, listening to Pumpkin chatter, and staring blankly out the window. I'm tired and starting to feel a bit sick from the motion of the truck and reading the laptop screen so I believe that it's a good time to log off. G'nite!

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