Giggles AFTER

We did it! Lo hicimos!

After some deliberation, I decided to take Giggles to Snip-Its in Parker. I picked them because 1) they don't require an appointment, and 2)I received a coupon from them in the mail, which kinda cinched it for me. This was our first visit to Snip-Its, and it's a nice place. Not as pricey as Lollilocks, though, I suppose it comes out about the same once you account for tolls and gas since Lollilocks is literally a couple of blocks from our house.

Anyway, the stylist was nice, patient. She gave Giggles a bob haircut because it wasn't really long enough after all for much else. For her part, Giggles did great. She didn't appreciate it when we tried to hold her head still for those closer cuts, but other than that, there was hardly any fussing or crying. (Pumpkin's another story altogether, hehe.)

Here, then, are pictures from today's big event. (FYI, I didn't put those little clips on her hair. The stylist did that. ;)

I haven't quite gotten used to her new, shorter hair. I suppose that will come in time. She's still the cutest thing on wheels, IMO. ;)


  1. You both look thrilled ... not so Sebastian :( I can't believe that she has already had a haircut and she's not even one year old. I wasn't brave enough to take either of my girls until they were nearly 2. Love the clips!

  2. I accidentally snipped off a bit of her fingertip a couple of weeks ago while trimming her nails so now I'm afraid to trim her nails again. I'd happily wait until she turns 2, but lordy, her nails grow as quickly as her hair does!

  3. poor sebastian looks so sad!
