Check out these highs!

10-Day Forecast for our destination:

High/Low (°F)

Mon Dec 22 AM Showers 47°/40°
Tue Dec 23 AM Clouds / PM Sun 70°/58°
Wed Dec 24 Partly Cloudy 79°/55°
Thu Dec 25 Partly Cloudy 76°/59°
Fri Dec 26 Partly Cloudy 81°/61°
Sat Dec 27 Mostly Sunny 79°/49°
Sun Dec 28 Mostly Sunny 72°/49°
Mon Dec 29 Sunny 71°/48°
Tue Dec 30 Sunny 71°/48°

Last Updated Dec 22 12:09 a.m. CT

Woo-hoo! We may even play outside in the sprinklers just because we can! Earlier this evening, I took my car for a wash, and it was so cold outside that my side-view mirrors iced over as the car exited the wash. Iced...over! WTH? I am really looking forward to the nice, happy, warm weather we'll have in Texas.

I think what I'm happiest about is not having to deal with the hassle of finding and/or carrying jackets, blankets, car seat covers, boots, gloves, and on and on. I can deal with the cold, but good lord, give me a break from all the accoutrements. They're a pain. And the snow. Snow's a pain.

I thought, for sure, that I'd be going batty by now from being stuck indoors because of the snow. I am going batty, but it isn't from the snow, hehe. it even Winter yet? Well, whatever. "Winter" hasn't been too bad so far. Sure, it's been cold, but it hasn't really snowed much and that's made all the difference. So, even though we have to wear tons of gear, at least we're not wet or tracking slush into the house. I think, also, that perhaps we're all finally getting used to the cold. Even Sunshine goes out now without his little roller-derby jacket. (yes, he's a sight)

BTW, you'd think that being married to a medium-cheese in a company that manufactures all sorts of chemical products, it'd be pretty easy for me to get my hands on some mag chloride for our driveway. Well, it isn't. Apparently, the stuff is manufactured somewhere out in the boonies, and it would take longer than I really feel like waiting to get one measly bag out here. At least that's what I was told. Instead, I just went out and bought a jug of the snow-melting stuff from Target. I'd never used it before. It's fun!

Anyway, Texas, here we come!


  1. Trying to rub it in a little? Ya, well, the temp in Fargo had a wind chill of -45 the other day. And that's where I'm headed. How do ya like them apples?

  2. Ha ha ha! Cris, you make me laugh! Have a great and Merry Christmas in Texas! I can't even imagine what Christmas would be like at 80 or 90 degrees and hot and dry! hahahahaha!

  3. Well, we're not in the warmth just yet (still driving), but yes, we'll have a red Christmas in Texas. Kristi, I'm glad to hear you're going to be with your mom soon. Merry Christmas, ladies! :)
