My Reading List

I was just adding a new title to my reading list here, and I'm suddenly feeling a need to explain my reading selections so that people (aka: my feminist and/or childless buddies) don't get the idea that I've sold out to Da Man! (j.k.) While it's true that I've apparently become the thing I never thought I would, which is {gasp} a stay at home mom, I swear that I have not sold out. I'm nowhere near being a docile little housewife who spends her days cooking, cleaning, running the kid around town, and waiting for the hubby to come home. Well, okay, my days do sort of go like that, but not nearly on as Stepford a scale as you might think if you'd glanced at my reading list and found yourself wondering if I've become obsessed with all things mommy and wifey. Take cooking, for example. The frequency with which I do any actual cooking here runs akin to that of Halley's Comet's rotations around the Earth. The cooking I'm more apt to do is prepare mac-n-cheese from a box or throw a frozen entree in the microwave oven. As for cleaning, well, QT would probably tell you that I do absolutely none of that EVER, and he'd be mostly correct so, you see, I'm still the same non-comfortmist (and sloppy) me....only now I've got a new appendage in the shape of a little boy. ;)

Some friends and I recently started a book club, and our read this month was Naughty Mommy by Heidi Raykeil. We set the date a month in advance so I thought I'd warm up for the book club book by first re-reading a couple other books about being a mom and/or housewife (specifically: Mad Housewife and I Don't Know How She Does It). Both of my warm-up books are great reads, btw. I've read them both several times already and highly recommend them.

I actually first read Mad Housewife long before I had Pumpkin, and I've been (sort of) looking for it on DVD ever since. Heck I'll even take VHS, but it seems none of the big name movie rental places carry that movie. Back in Houston, I would've known exactly where to look for that movie, but being new here and not even living in Denver per se, I wouldn't know where to begin to look to find the sort of local movie house that would even carry a movie like this. Now, you're probably thinking, "shit, if her biggest concern these days is finding an old movie about housewives, she's so totally NOT the same Pine I used to know." I assure you that I least I think I am. Know what, I'll have to get back to you on that. Uh, Pumpkin and I've got a playdate to attend. hehehe

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