It Never Rains in Southern California?

Our flight was scheduled to depart from Denver on Sunday, February 18th. That morning, I woke up at 4am to find Pumpkin standing next to me. He'd been doing very well sleeping alone in his own room up to this point, and apart from the 1st two nights, hadn't woken either of us up again. Well, I was dead tired still so I just picked him up and put him in bed with us, and we all fell back asleep. Two hours later, he bolted upright and threw up. The rest of the day proceeded in much the same fashion.

My poor little Pumpkin threw up on the way to the Denver airport and then again as we were approaching the airport in San Diego. Fortunately, we were going to be staying with my friend Joe for one night before heading to the resort so we were able to do a load of laundry at his house and also wash our car seat stroller since Pumpkin had already just about gone through all the clothes we'd brought for him, and we were gonna need that car seat back in play asap.

We all woke up Monday to a raging storm outside. It was raining cats and dogs, even by Houston standards. Who ever said it never rained here? Well, Pumpkin was finally able to hold down a few spoonfuls of tortilla soup for lunch on Monday so we fed him a few bites of mac-n-cheese for dinner. He didn't throw up any of his food so the next day, I gave him some soy milk and bananas for breakfast and then his favorite, rice and beans, for lunch. He still seemed ok so we walked down to the little beach at the resort to get some air. I also wanted to stay close to our room in case he was going to be sick again. It felt really good to sit out in the sunshine after being cooped up indoors for what had felt like forever back in Denver. Pumpkin and I both enjoyed ourselves immensely.

(left) Bye-bye birdies! (center) Bye-bye sand castle! (right)

On Wednesday, Joe took us to the zoo. We went on a bus tour, from which we were able to see elephants, zebras, rhinos, and many more of Pumpkin's favorite animals. Afterwards, we picked QT up and went to the harbor for lunch then we hightailed it back to the zoo for one hour before it closed.

That's me and Pumpkin on the bus, QT in front of the harbor, and QT, Pumpkin, & Joe at the zoo. And, below, is a short video of a panda bear eating bamboo.


  1. The bear was enjoying himself! Too cute! I like the pics of Seb, too with his legs crossed, just chillin'. Are you on the beach or the biggest sandbox ever?

  2. Oh yeah and "It Never Rains in Southern California" must be up there with "It usually doesn't snow like this in Denver!"
